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The City of Kyrenia


Kyrenia is the capital city of the district of Kyrenia in the northern part of Cyprus. It stretches from the cape of Kormakitis in the west to about the middle of the northern coast of the island known as Achaion Acti. The largest part of the Pentadaktylos mountain range is part of the district of Kyrenia. This name was given by the Achaeans of Peloponnesus in southern Greece, who came to Cyprus after the Trojan War.

From excavations in the area, it is confirmed that Kyrenia has been inhabited since 3,000 B.C. The most ancient reference to Kyrenia, along with seven other cities or kingdoms of Cyprus, is found on an Egyptian inscription from the era of Pharaoh Ramses III (1125-1000 B.C.). Kifeas, a military officer who came to the island and built Kyrenia as it is known today, is indirectly mentioned as the founder of Kyrenia. Kifeas brought with him people from many different cities of Achaia, one of which was Kyrenia, a community of the Prefecture of Achaia in Peloponnesus.

Kyrenia is a coastal city with a picturesque harbor that dates back to antiquity. Commerce with the neighboring coasts of Asia Minor and the closest islands of the Aegean took place from the Kyrenia harbor. Ancient ships carried various products such as wine, olives, and natural resources of the time. East of the old entrance to the harbor stands the medieval castle of the town, an impressive Venetian construction overlooking the harbor as guardian and protector of the city from enemy attacks. Kyrenia is a city of faith, family, community, beauty, fresh air, sweet water, and deeply valued memories.

In July of 1974 Turkey invaded Cyprus from the north coast of the district of Kyrenia. The occupation of nearly forty percent of Cyprus continues to this very day.

Adapted from the Municipality of Kyrenia